Shahi Hospital & Stone Clinic is a specialized Urology & Laparoscopy centre in Patna, Bihar, providing integrated medical care for all maladies. They have a highly qualified team that has commendably treated patients to recover using different innovative therapies over the years. Dr Ajit Singh, the chairman, has worked out efficient mechanisms for personalized care for each patient for faster recovery. Various medical treatments provide better recovery to the affected patients and cure the issue. With hi-tech equipment to aid their mission of helping patients get cured without surgeries, medications and other treatments have borne fruit.
The hospital undertakes every measure that will help restore the functioning of the kidney after getting rid of the pain. The hospital’s specialized services for kidney stones and cancer treatments are based on scientific methods that ensure that each patient’s history and issues have been carefully checked and monitored. They have the best treatment programs in the entire state. The hospital aims to provide integrated medical care, putting the patient at ease. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, the facility provides pain management programs that help restore the patient’s function and quality of life.
Shahi hospital is a facility that endeavours to bring the latest pain-free treatments to patients’ doorstep, also the best treatment for urinary/kidney stones, enlarged prostate, ureteric structure, and several others. We provide the best patient care with various multi-disciplinary programs for every kind of kidney and related ailments. Their specialists enable various treatment options under one roof without any hassle for patients with skilled and qualified staff. Anything related to kidneys and more gets attended by the hospital facility. The procedures are met with success due to the guided medical specialists and treatment programs. Shahi hospital facility boasts having licensed doctors and qualified specialists around the clock to tend to patients providing medical attention to patients’ pain issues.
Shahi hospital is known to have the largest chain of Urology & Laparoscopy hospitals. It also happens to be the world leader in lithotripsy, laser, and laparoscopy. The hospital has several specialists onboard Dr Shubhangi Singh, a consultant psychiatrist; Dr Kislay Kunal, a General Physician; Dr Utkarsh Singh, a surgeon and urologist and Dr Harshwardhan, heading the Anesthesiology. These doctors are renowned for their care and specialization. There are private exam rooms for the specialists to determine the patients’ issues. They decide upon the line of treatment required for the patient’s kind of kidney-related issues.
The hospital has been at the forefront of treatment, with a decade of experience and performing more than 200+ successful procedures carried out on patients. The hospital has a highly trained staff that can provide the best treatment and care required for patients suffering from kidney ailments. They have personalized space that enables the best treatment exposure that the patient can find.
The doctor’s job is to alleviate the acute and chronic pain that is troubling patients with the help of our skilled team of medical professionals, reducing the patient’s functional capacity and quality of life. The achievement of the goal gets done through non-invasive procedures and non-surgical treatments. The expert physicians’ constant efforts to study the patient’s cases bring out a highly specialized treatment plan at Shahi Hospital so that patients find the best relief possible.